Sunday, March 16, 2008

sunny sunday

Yeah well I guess my secret is out! Im not a church goer anymroe so Ill sit and worship at my computer for a bit! Besides a very noisy man this morning getting his coffee made for the day what did I awake to? No not the cats..It was hard to tell since it wasnt quite light out at 6:30, but the noise was terrible. Something was fighting outside my front window. Or at least I thought it was fighting. No it was tow coons doin it outside! By the time i got the old man up here they were just wrestling around and making all sorts of sweet little cooey sounds. And when it was light enough to see they were gone. Mother Nature at its finest hour! I must venture out today. At least to the store to pick up a few things as Im having my poisoned gall bladder out tomorrow am! my dear sweet mom is coming with me, and I have to be there by 9am. Im not sure what time Ill be home but Im thinking by 1 o'clock. so if youre following this blog say a prayer for me! Have a good Sunday yall!

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