Monday, July 16, 2007

Modays pain

Thanks to all my fellow bloggers that replied to my post! Ill get to everyones blog but itll be a full time job I fear! not much going on today. May go to HL and see what they have that I cant live without! Hoping to find some Elsie stuff there. Like the Roxie ribbon!! Had Amanda and Dan and Olivia over for dinner last night. Thats a ritual or should say tradition, that we started when Amanda was pregnant. Mostly cause early in her preg she had such food aversions that the smell made her sick. Guess where her office is? Yep above the kitchen at Par-A-Dice. So in order to keep Dan from starving I cooked and hey came over. It also reminds me of Sundays at my grandmas' house. She was the best cook! Emis chose not to come . She stil unpacking and trying to get over breaking up with her bf. Im leaving the D off cause he wasnt that dear to her in the end! Not bad just off ya know what I mean?? Ok I need to go if Im going to get anything done!

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